Friday, August 28, 2009

Hubcap Heaven is Here next Friday, September 4th

Come and join us next Friday, September 4 from 5-8 PM for Hubcap Inspired Refreshments, Live Music, and the Cerulean Collective for a special exhibition featuring HUB CAPS!

Here's some words from our fearless Hubcap Leader, Barbara Loken
For the past four summers, while driving back and forth to a boys camp
that I work at in the summer in Wayne, I daily drove past a small white
house on Highway 133 surrounded by piles of hubcaps. When the camp
needed decorations for a coffee house evening, I suggested hubcaps and
in no time I was introducing myself to Margaret Hawes who runs A and M
Wheel Covers with her husband Arthur. Margaret kindly showed me a pile
of slightly dinged wheel covers,( the correct name for what is commonly
called HUB CAPS) and I was awestruck by the hundreds of ways a circle
can be designed to suggest speed, wealth, economy, practicality, or
beauty. My first forty hubcaps were scrubbed by the boys with the Dawn
detergent that Margaret suggested , enhanced when necessary with spray
paint, and proved to be spectacular on the theater buildings walls. One
small lad immediately saw a connection and quipped, “ Coffee and
Cars, they both keep you running all day long.” which became the
theme of the coffee house.
This spring Bill Duffy and I visited Margaret who again helped us pick
out another batch from the scrap cap pile for the Cerulean artists. A
Hub Cap has a history and evokes nostalgia for the cars that we have
owned or loved or coveted or is just cool to look at and enjoy. Each
artist was challenged to transform a Hub Cap or two into a work of art.
We hope you enjoy the show in present time and are also reminded
fondly of a car that carries special memories. Anyone ever own a ’57
Chevy boat-car with fins?
No one has taken me up on the idea of a Hub Cap rhythm band, maybe
next year.
-Barb Loken

Friday, September 4 11-8 PM Reception 5-8
Saturday, September 5 11-8
Sunday, September 6 10-2
Monday, Labor Day CLOSED
Tuesday, September 8 11-5

Image Compliments of our Photographer Bill Duffy